Reverso Knife

Reverso Knife slide element
Reverso Knife Drawing - Professional chef Knife Made in Italy by Reverso Ideas
Much more than a knife,
many knives in one

Reverso knife: the professional knife’s evolution

Events Calendar

coltelli da chef reverso idea al festival della gastronomia

Gastronomy Festival

Reverso Ideas will provide profesisonal knives to this important enogastronomic event. We will be on stage to talk about new products REVERSO Ideas! Follow us in Rome from October the 27th to the 30th and in MIlan from November the 17th to the 19th.

chef knife reverso september events


Follow our September’s events and stay tuned for the fixed handle Reverso Knife inauguration coming soon!

Reverso Knife

Reverso Knife slide element
Reverso Knife Drawing - Professional chef Knife Made in Italy by Reverso Ideas
Much more than a knife,
many knives in one

What is Reverso Knife

“REVERSO KNIFE” is a unique kitchen knife, discovered by a young professional chef, Mr. Franco Di Nicola.

Franco wanted to realise his life dream: create an innovative knife, with a functional and appealing design, able to improve the work quality of its user.

Thanks to his strong creative motivation, Mr. Franco Di Nicola, in 2008 realised the project and then, after years of development, in 2011 protected his idea depositing the relative patent, brand and design.

To build the prototype and do an extra up-grade to the project and to start the production and its marketing, MR. Franco di Nicola needed a capable partner.

So in 2012, after a punctilious search, he found the mechanical workshop Cru.Mec in Aprilia. This company is specialised in the process of precious metals using sophisticated machines.

The project was immediately loved by the manager, who put the ideas of Mr. Franco DI Nicola in a 3D design.

With their experiences they produced “REVERSO KNIFE” in its first mechanic version, and it was straightway a success.
Even the research of the blade was an important key and after a lot of meetings with different producers around Italy, they had no doubts about it, it was Mercury! Mercury is an historical company in Maniago that with MR. Franco Di Nicola created the formula “REVERSO STEEL”.

“REVERSO KNIFE” is a knife that excites and its 6 characteristics are:

1 – Unique (thanks to an extensive patent that typify all its peculiarity, as to fold itself to protect the WIRE and the top of the blade making it remain floating in the handle. Also through all its interchangeable parts, it is possible to transform and adapt the knife to every task, dressing it in the chef’s hand as a sartorial dress. By joining the GIFTS, as the PARING, it’s possible obtain a mini set which include all the knives needed in a kitchen maintaining reduced dimensions).

2 – “PURE AND STILISH” DESIGN (in its form it has an utility nonpareil. The design encloses a functionality thought right in the chef’s hand, the optimal weight outlet in the balance of the cut makes the use really comfortable and keep the user safe from possible fatigue and pain: it is totally customizable with colors, forms and blades)

3 – Totally Italian (thought, projected, patented and realised completely in Italy. It is built with top quality Italian materials. The processing of the handles is in CNC, with handcrafted trim, realised in anticorodal. An innovative formula, with the special Inox (stainless) steel in Vanadium of the blade “reverso steel”, that claim the prestigious stamp QM “Maniago Quality”)

4 – Extremely practical (lightness, ergonomic handle, WIRE resistance, no need of sheaths or suitcases, easy transportability)

5 – Realised with prestigious materials (REVERSO STEEL Inox steel enriched with Vanadium for the blade, inox steel with 316 internal components, anticorodal tooled with an oxidation system for the external parts, teak and other top quality materials)

6 – 100% Recyclable (a great environmental sensitivity distinguishes us, in fact the REVERSO RECYCLING program will take back the used parts of the knife free of charge, applying discounts on new purchases. In this way, according to current regulations, it is possible to dispose the used materials or transforming them to give them a new life)

Finally, besides the knife, thanks to the inventiveness of Mr. Franco Di Nicola and the fortuitous meeting with Marco Amadio, accredited designer and educational director of “Quasar University and design”, a line of REVERSO IDEAS will create a totally innovative products completely different from the ones currently in the market.

The first of the many projects that they want to develop will be REVERSO MODULAR, an intelligent cutting board capable of self-leveling to eliminate surface imperfections due the use or the sanitising.
The base of a work station (modular with multiple modules) that will bring an innovation in kitchens all over the world both professional and home kitchens, thanks to a managerial software and an intelligent scale. The aim will also be to illuminate the workstation that can be used as a furnishing accessory for open kitchens, or in a room or on a bar counter.


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How the modular Reverso Knife works

The original extra strong stainless steel.
Hardness 58 HRC guaranteed
Maniago Quality.  Italy


What to know about our knife blade

Reverso()steel uses a formula studied right to obtain the best cut, duration and reliability’s performance. This is due to our collaboration with Mercury and its “know-how” style. Mercury is a stoical maniaghese company that creates our superb blade, proud to have the QM mark (Maniago Quality).

Our top quality steel, with medium tenor of charcoal and presence of Vanadium, gives ductility and resilience making our sharps inimitable. It maintains INOX METAL 100% pure and doesn’t touch the tolerance of Chromium (which determinates the metal’s rust).

The tempering is operated with computerised systems allowing the precious metal (Vanadium) to tie in a very fine grain obtaining a sharp very thin and cutting. Thanks to its hardness granted by 58 HRC it has unparalleled talents.

The sharpening is crafted and with the polishing of the final bezel the steel obtains a smooth cutting wall which doesn’t let the fibres crush and retains internal juices better, leaving it extra firm and brilliant.

We chose a very difficult and challenging league to use and assemble on our REVERSO KNIFE because we know exactly what the word quality means. We could have used a blazoned “high carbon steel” obtaining a stronger hardness with less effort but its consistency would be scarcely  INOX and subject to stains and oxide spots or, even worst, rust, as the most of the knives you find today on the market.


Every single model of REVERSO STEEL is built for a specific use. Do not use the blades for other utilizations. Avoid the touch of the blade with other hard material that could damage it.


About the REVERSO STEEL blade sharpening we suggest an initial use of big grain stones for very worn blades (240/1000, 3000/8000, or 6000/12000) and a thin grain to adjust the blade (3000/8000 or 6000/12000).

If used with attention we recommend to apply a professional knife grinder that uses specific abrasives with refrigerant. THIS may cause the loss of hardness or its break, in this case shine the bevel.


We suggest a hand wash with normal degreasers. Pay attention at the cleaning after the utilization of corrosive or alkaline substances present in the dishwasher detergents.

We also recommend to dry the blade from the top to the bottom.


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